` Printed Icetips Article

Icetips Article

Files, drivers etc.: Loop a file within a loop on that same file
2003-05-08 -- Michael Ware
Newsgroups: softvelocity.products.c55ee

> Is this possible :
> Having a file loen_fast
> SET(LOF:key,LOF:key)
> loop
>     if access:loen_fast.next() then break.
>         ! Do a lot of things on this loen_fast
>         LOF:field2 = 'Something in this record of loen_fast'
>         set(LOF:Key2,LOF:key2)
>         loop
>             if access:loen_fast.next() then break.
>                 !Update some Loen_fast records        end
> end
> IE : Inside a loop of the records in one sort order, i want to make a lopp
> in another sort order without interrupting the 'Outside' loop.

I've done this a few times.  Works like this:

    if access:loen_fast.next() then break.
        ! Do a lot of things on this loen_fast
        HldPos = Position(LOF:key)
        LOF:field2 = 'Something in this record of loen_fast'
            if access:loen_fast.next() then break.
                !Update some Loen_fast records

The trick is you need to issue a next after the reset to get back to were
you were.


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