` Printed Icetips Article

Icetips Article

COM: Uninitalizing COM objects 1
2004-01-17 -- Carl Barnes
Newsgroups: softvelocity.public.clarion6

MSDN on CoInitilize says the following:

"Typically, the COM library is initialized on a thread only once. Subsequent
calls to CoInitialize or CoInitializeEx on the same thread will succeed, as
long as they do not attempt to change the concurrency model, but will return
S_FALSE. To close the COM library gracefully, each successful call to
CoInitialize or CoInitializeEx, including those that return S_FALSE, must be
balanced by a corresponding call to CoUninitialize."

When I looked an the CComInitter Destruct method it does not appear to call
CoUNinit if S_False was returned for the CoInit.

Also does CoInit really need to be called per thread? MSDN clearly says it
does, but the book "Inside COM" says per Process.

CCOMIniter.Construct procedure

    self.hr = CoInitialize()
    if self.hr = S_FALSE
      self.fAlreadyInitialised = true
      self.hr = S_OK
    if self.hr = S_OK
      if ~self.fAlreadyInitialised
        self.fInitialised = true.

CCOMIniter.Destruct procedure

    if self.fInitialised
      if ~self.fAlreadyInitialised
      self.fInitialised = false

Printed December 11, 2024, 3:18 pm
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