Browses and Listboxes: Using a queue reference in a listbox 2004-03-09 -- Jim Gambon Newsgroups: softvelocity.public.clarion6 Hi Robert, > Can someone help me out with something not working. Attached is a small hand-coded experiment showing the technique of NOT putting a FROM attribute on the list control, and, then, at run-time, use the {PROP:From} property assignment. The docs for C55 and C6 both show that this is a read-only property for LISTs, but I wanted to try and make it work, and it does. It seems the docs are wrong, or I'm reading them incorrectly. Let us know if this helps out. It doesn't cross threads, but it should get you going. Regards, Jim Gambon You can download the QRefList.ZIP file here. QRefList.prj: -- Queue Ref Listing #noedit #system win32 #model clarion dll #pragma debug(vid=>full) #compile "QRefList.CLW" #link "QRefList.exe" QRefList.clw: PROGRAM AQueueType QUEUE,TYPE ALong LONG AString STRING(40) END !QUEUE MAP LoadQ PROCEDURE(*AQueueType TheQ) END !MAP AQRef &AQueueType Window WINDOW('A Window'),AT(,,260,100),SYSTEM,GRAY LIST,AT(5,4,250,91),USE(?List1),HVSCROLL,| FORMAT('47L(2)|M~TheLong~@N_10@40L(2)|M~TheString~@S40@') END CODE AQRef &= NEW(AQueueType) LoadQ(AQRef) OPEN(Window) ACCEPT IF EVENT() = EVENT:OpenWindow ?List1{PROP:From} = AQRef END !IF END CLOSE(Window) ! Must Close Window before disposing the Queue FREE(AQRef) DISPOSE(AQRef) RETURN LoadQ PROCEDURE(*AQueueType TheQ) Counter LONG CODE LOOP Counter = 1 TO 100 TheQ.ALong = Counter TheQ.AString = 'List Item: ' & FORMAT(Counter,@N08) ADD(TheQ) END !LOOP RETURN Printed November 23, 2024, 2:12 am This article has been viewed/printed 35399 times. Google search has resulted in 23 hits on this article since January 25, 2004. |