` Printed Icetips Article

Icetips Article

Templates: Detect if Procedure is Browse or Form
2004-02-24 -- Alexander
Newsgroups: softvelocity.clarion.templates

Hi Alvin

We use this method in some of our VIVID templates.  
It appears as being OK.
Ironically the group is called %FormOrBrowse :-)
It analyses procedure tempaltes and works in c5-c6
(and maybe in c4)



#! decalrations..................................


#! group def. ..................................


#! calling group ...........................................
       #IF(%ProcType = 'Browse')


"Alvin"  wrote in message
> Hi Experts,
> In template writing, how do we determine whether it is a form window or a
> browse window?
> Currently, I m using this method for checking:
> WHERE(LEFT(%Procedure, 5) <> 'Browse')
> But if naming of my browse window does not starts with 'Browse..., I will
> have a problem.
> Thank you in advance

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