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Icetips Article

Icetips Products: Icetips Previewer in 6.1 build 9030
2004-12-07 -- Arnor Baldvinsson
In Build 9030 of Clarion 6.1, changes were made to allow the Pause print template to keep the process window open if there were no records to print. But this causes a potential problem as reported by Jorge A. Lavera:

"FIX: ABC Report: The pause button was closing the window if there were no records"

This cause disruption of programs that actually worked fine till now. I'm using Icetips Previewer succesfully until 9029. Now with 9030, the Report window is not closed prior to call the previewer (as it was until 9029), causing that the user cannot see several reports at the same time using "horizontal tile" as before.

Jorge fixed this by adding one line of code to the report:

This is the problem:

SELF.KeepVisible = 1
Just adding
SELF.KeepVisible = 0
right after it, solves the problem. This code is new to 9030.

Printed December 3, 2024, 12:01 pm
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