Icetips Products: Setting Reports Landscape 2004-12-14 -- Arnor Baldvinsson If you use the Printer Selection Extension template on the Previewer procedure, it will
not work properly if you have landscape reports and print them to a different printer than
the default selected printer. THe reason is that the code in the Previewer doesn't detect
if the original report is landscape and simply creates it using whatever setting is on the
First make sure that you check the "Generate SetTarget" on the Previewer report extension. Then follow these instructions that Jane Flemming sent me some months ago after having been through the same. I will get this into the next version of the previewer to make sure that this behaves properly without needing this modification:)
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A bit of head scratching led to the following resolution:
In Previewer procedure data:
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Please note that ANY references or use of the ReportRef reference
variable can only be used if the SetTarget option is used on the
report and any references to ReportRef must be done BEFORE the
previewer window is opened. The reference is set at priority around
5800 and only if the "Select Printer" template is added to the
previewer procedure. The generated code will look something like
Printed November 21, 2024, 10:43 am This article has been viewed/printed 35273 times. Google search has resulted in 19 hits on this article since January 25, 2004. |