Par2: Control (single record) files 1998-04-19 -- Nik Johnson You have to be careful about timing here. What I would do is have a source procedure which sits between the menu (or whatever triggers the configuration file update process) and the update form: LinkUpdate PROCEDURE CODE IF NOT Relate:Config.Open SET(Config) IF Access:Config.Next() GlobalRequest = InsertRecord ELSE GlobalRequest = ChangeRecord END ConfigForm() Relate:Config.Close END RETURN This makes sure that the file is open, the record is current (or the buffer cleared) and GlobalRequest is set -before- you ever get to the update form. In that way you don't have to worry about little things like the fact that the update window will initialize GobalRequest before -it- opens the file. The update form at this point should see no difference between this call for a singular record and a request from a browse of many records. Printed December 3, 2024, 11:49 am This article has been viewed/printed 35278 times. |