Par2: Playing WAV files 1998-01-24 -- Russ Eggen Here is a simple Clarion source file that will do this (thanks to Alexey for providing it): PROGRAM OMIT('--- 16 bit', _WIDTH32_) SndPlayProc EQUATE('SNDPLAYSOUND') ! --- 16 bit COMPILE('--- 32 bit', _WIDTH32_) SndPlayProc EQUATE('SNDPLAYSOUNDA') ! --- 32 bit MAP MODULE('WIN%S%.LIB') Snd:PlaySound(*CSTRING,UNSIGNED),BOOL,PROC,RAW,PASCAL,NAME(SndPlayProc) END END SoundFile CSTRING(256) CODE LOOP WHILE FILEDIALOG ('Choose Sound File', SoundFile, 'WAV Files|*.WAV', 0) Snd:PlaySound (SoundFile, 0) END Brad Silverman adds: PLAYING .WAV FILES IN C4B EMBED POINTS UNDER MODULE TAB - DEFAULT PROGRAM - EMBEDS AFTER GLOBAL INCLUDES Omit('*** 16 Bit',_Width32_) SndPlayProc equate('SndPlaySound') !*** 16 Bit Compile('*** 32 Bit',_Width32_) SndPlayProc equate('SndPlaySoundA') !*** 32 Bit GLOBAL - EMBEDS INSIDE THE GLOBAL MAP MODULE('Win%S%.lib') Snd:PlaySound(*cString,Unsigned),Bool,Proc,Raw,Pascal,Name(SndPlayProc) END GLOBAL - EMBEDS GLOBAL DATA SoundFile Cstring(256) ASSUME A PUSH BUTTON CONTROL EMBEDS-CONTROL EVENT HANDLING - ACCEPTED your code to set-- SoundFile = 'Path to wav file' (Variable string or constant as needed) Snd:PlaySound(SoundFile,0) I don't understand everything that going on but it works on my system (Win98) Printed November 21, 2024, 6:37 am This article has been viewed/printed 35192 times. |