Par2: Compile switch based on whether compiling DLL or EXE
1998-05-16 -- Arnor Baldvinsson
>I have some code I would like to include only if I am compiling an app as
>an EXE. When I switch to DLL I want it to be omitted. Currently I do this by
>commenting/uncommenting the code but I get real interesting results when I
>forget to comment out this code for an EXE . Is there a way to create an
>expression that knows whether we are compiling an EXE or DLL?
Let's see...
#TEMPLATE(MyExtension,'My extension templates'),Family('ABC')
#EXTENSION(CheckTypeOfCompile,'Checking type of compile'),APPLICATION
Glo:CompileType STRING(3)
Glo:CompileType = 'DLL'
Glo:CompileType = 'EXE'
Glo:CompileType = 'LIB'
If you want to use this with Clarion templates, just change the
Family('ABC') to Family('CLARION')
Then you should be able to do something like this:
Case Glo:CompileType
Of 'DLL'
OfOr 'LIB'
! Execute DLL code or LIB (should normally be the same)
Of 'EXE'
! Execute EXE code
Try it, let me know if it works:)
Printed November 21, 2024, 12:16 pm
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