` Printed Icetips Article

Icetips Article

Par2: Using a variable to specify the Transaction Control File (TCF)
1998-09-14 -- John Hickey



Here is additional information from a previous message by Malcolm Collett:

Hi Axel

The documentation on how to use TCF is very weak!

SEND(FILE,'TCF=X:\DATA\MYTCF.TCF') does not send anything to the file,
it sets a global variable. Now whenever CheckOpen() opens a file, it
uses this global variable. So you only need to set it once.

I use the After Opening Files embed on the AppFrame (CW2003) to call a
procedure. I use a procedure because the file is opened and closed (I'm
lazy!). If you put the code directly into the embed, the file used will
stay open until the app closes. That's why I use the separate procedure.

This is the code I use:

   L:TcfPath = Clip(Path())
   If L:TcfPath[Len(Clip(L:TcfPath))] = '\'  ! is the last character of
the path a backslash
       L:TcfPath = 'TCF=' & Clip(L:TcfPath) & 'Maintain.tcf'      ! do
not add a backslash
       L:TcfPath = 'TCF=' & Clip(L:TcfPath) & '\Maintain.tcf'     ! add
a backslash
   End ! If
   ! Posn must be open and listed under Other files - Posn was randomly
   ! Testing for backslash (\) is because Win95 and NT are not the same

You can now have multiple sets of data, each having its own TCF file.

Malcolm Collett

Printed November 21, 2024, 11:41 am
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