Par2: Running MSSQL stored procedures from Clarion 1998-10-20 -- Ben Williams Just change your SQL statement to use CALL instead of execute filename{prop:sql} = 'CALL jb_test1 'test' Scott has changed the CW ODBC driver to set the statement handle if you use a CALL in the {PROP:SQL} Regard the quote marks, George Hall notes: In your prop:sql statement, try two single quotes ('')before and after hello, not one doublequote (") Scott Ferret comments: > filename{prop:sql} = 'CALL jb_test1 'test' > The correct syntax for this instance of using CALL would be: filename{prop:sql} = 'CALL jb_test1 (''test'')' Printed December 3, 2024, 11:16 am This article has been viewed/printed 35224 times. |