Par2: Edit in Place: Adding a spin class 1999-01-09 -- Bob Gaucher ADDING A NEW CLASS EDITSPINCLASS Edit in Place has some very usefull features, EditDropClass, EditCheckClass, etc. One that is not there is an Edit Spin Class. Here is how to add one. Add to abeip.inc: EditSpinClass CLASS(EditClass),TYPE,MODULE('ABEIP.CLW'),LINK('ABEIP.CLW',_ABCLinkMode_) ,DLL(_ABCDllMode_) ! This is all on one line CreateControl PROCEDURE,VIRTUAL,PROTECTED SetAlerts PROCEDURE,VIRTUAL END Add to abeip.clw EditSpinClass.CreateControl PROCEDURE CODE SELF.Feq = CREATE(0,CREATE:Spin) !This creates the control EditSpinClass.SetAlerts PROCEDURE CODE SELF.Feq{PROP:Alrt,5} = '' ! The Edit Class Alerts the up and down arrows. Spin Class need them to spin. SELF.Feq{PROP:Alrt,6} = '' Embedd in EditSpinClass.Init Procedure after Parent Call SELF.FEQ{PROP:RangeLow} = 1 ! This sets the low and high range of the spin box. Put in your own values. SELF.FEQ{Prop:RangeHigh} = 999 That's it. Now you have an EditSpinClass that will show up on the list of ABC classes. Printed November 21, 2024, 6:34 am This article has been viewed/printed 35195 times. |