Par2: Autoincrementing after record is added 1999-03-16 -- Andrew Guidroz II The idea is that you can set up a file not to use the standard file class but to use this file class instead and the autoinc happens when the record is truly added, not before. Put both of these source files in your libsrc directory. The bug is that C5 required two additional equates for 32 bits to work in the CLW file. Here is the FileOver.INC !ABCIncludeFile OMIT('_EndOfInclude_',_FileOverPresent_) _FileOverPresent_ EQUATE(1) include('abfile.inc'),ONCE FileManagerWOPreAutoInc CLASS(FileManager),TYPE,MODULE('FileOver.CLW'),LINK('FileOver.CLW',_ABC LinkMode_),DLL(_ABCDLLMode_) PrimeRecord PROCEDURE(BYTE SuppressClear = 0),BYTE,PROC,VIRTUAL PrimeAutoInc PROCEDURE,BYTE,PROC,VIRTUAL UseStandard BYTE ! Use standard technique of priming autoinc FromPrime BYTE,PRIVATE ! Called from prime, therefore, do not use standard technique ! of priming END !_EndOfInclude_ And here is the FileOver.CLW MEMBER _ABCDllMode_ EQUATE(0) _ABCLinkMode_ EQUATE(1) MAP END INCLUDE('FileOver.INC'),ONCE INCLUDE('ABFile.INC'),ONCE FileManagerWOPreAutoInc.PrimeRecord FUNCTION(BYTE SC) CODE SELF.FromPrime = CHOOSE( SELF.UseStandard, 0, 1 ) RETURN PARENT.PrimeRecord() FileManagerWOPreAutoInc.PrimeAutoInc PROCEDURE CODE IF SELF.FromPrime SELF.FromPrime = 0 RETURN Level:Benign ELSE RETURN Parent.PrimeAutoInc() ! This line added so that the record DOES END Printed November 21, 2024, 12:03 pm This article has been viewed/printed 35197 times. |