Par2: POS: two ways to open cash drawer 1999-05-07 -- Geoff Bomford MEMBER('pd5.clw') ! This is a MEMBER module MAP INCLUDE('PD5008.INC') !Local module prodecure declarations END CashDrawerOpen PROCEDURE ! Declare Procedure RetCode BYTE Local:CString CSTRING(20) RecBufSize EQUATE(256) PrinterPort STRING(4) OutFile FILE,DRIVER('DOS'),CREATE,NAME(GLOB:PathString) Record RECORD Line CSTRING(RecBufSize) END END CODE IF Def:CashDrawerCode Local:CString = Def:CashDrawerCode ComPutS(COM2,Local:CString) ELSE PrinterPort = PRINTER{PropPrint:Port} !'LPTx' Glob:PathString = 'CDOpen.Txt' CREATE(OutFile) IF ERRORCODE() STOP(ERROR()) END OPEN(OutFile,11h) IF ERRORCODE() STOP(ERROR()) END OutFile.Line = '<7>' APPEND(OutFile,LEN(OutFile.Line)) CLOSE(OutFile) COPY(OutFile,PrinterPort) END There are two ways to open a cash drawer - either via the serial port - Def:CashDrawerCode = 'E' (For example) - or Via the Printer port, if the cash drawer is wired to the printer (Def:CashDrawerCode = '') Printed December 3, 2024, 11:41 am This article has been viewed/printed 35218 times. |