` Printed Icetips Article

Icetips Article

Par2: Edit in place: Required fields
1999-08-02 -- Craig Ransom
> I want to check if the value a user has entered in the browse (EIP) is
> right, and if so, then I want to fill in some other fields of my table.
This is tricky. Yes, the EIP control's TakeEvent is the proper method, 
but you have to put it AFTER the PARENT call; you have to PRECEED it with 
an "UPDATE(SELF.Feq)"; you DON'T use the Level:Benign/Notify/Fatal but 
the EditAction: equates instead; and you DON'T update the file field, but 
the BRW.Q field instead! For instance, from a test program, this checks 
for and disallows a blank field. This is AFTER the PARENT call.

IF ReturnValue AND ReturnValue <> EditAction:Cancel THEN
    IF BRW1.Q.File1:Field1 = '' THEN
        MESSAGE('Field Cannot Be Blank','Field Error',ICON:Exclamation)
        ReturnValue = EditAction:None

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