Par2: Edit in Place template to add REQ, UPR, Cap and range attributes 1999-08-13 -- Dennis Evans The template, see below, will add the tool tip, req, cap, upr and high low range limits (spin controls) to the fields on a browse. One note, the copy below has 3 AT statements. So it will only add the attributes for three fields, to add more fields copy the AT statements and change the constant value from 1, 2, 3 to 4, ...x The one I use has 15, I seldom if ever have a browse with that many EIP fields. Maybe someone can find a way to accomplish the task with one at statement. The only way I found to use one AT was to add a code template to each embed for each field, a bigger PITA than having one template with several at commands. I wanted to add one template and let it handle all the fields. Anyway, this is the only way I could get it to work, not very pretty but it does function. usage: Register normally, add the fields you want to set the attributes on to the Column specific add the template to the UpdateBrowseButtons There are no prompts for the template, it loops through the list of fields added in the Column Specific list and then pulls the info from the dictionary. Hope it helps Dennis Can you "Carry the message to Garcia?" #Template(EIPAttributes, 'Add Dictionary Attributes to EIP'),family('ABC') #! #extension(EipAttr, 'Add the CAP, REQ, UPR, TIP attributes to EIP Fields'),REQ(BrowseUpdateButtons(ABC)) #atstart #declare(%Temp, string) #declare(%Holder, string) #declare(%FieldsToAddAttr, string),multi #for(%EditInPlaceList) #add(%FieldsToAddAttr, %EditInPlaceField) #endfor #endat #at(%EditInPlaceManagerMethodCodeSection,%ActiveTemplateParentInstance, 1,'CreateControl','()') #insert(%AddAttributes) #endat #at(%EditInPlaceManagerMethodCodeSection,%ActiveTemplateParentInstance, 2,'CreateControl','()') #insert(%AddAttributes) #endat #at(%EditInPlaceManagerMethodCodeSection,%ActiveTemplateParentInstance, 3,'CreateControl','()') #insert(%AddAttributes) #endat #! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- #group(%AddAttributes),auto #! loop thru the fields added and test for a match #for(%FieldsToAddAttr) #set(%Holder, %FieldsToAddAttr) #if(%Holder = %EditInPlaceField) #find(%Field, %EditInPlaceField) ! set EIP field attributes ------------------------------ #case(%FieldValidation) #of('NONZERO') #! does nothing in EIP, add validation Self.Feq{prop:req} = true #of ('INRANGE') #! if range set add limits, for spin controls #if(%FieldRangeLow) #! is low end set Self.Feq{prop:rangelow} = %FieldRangeLow #endif #if(%FieldRangehigh) #! is high end set Self.Feq{prop:rangehigh} = %FieldRangeHigh #endif #endcase #for(%FieldScreenControl) #set(%temp, extract(%FieldScreenControl, 'CAP')) #! cap present #if(%temp) Self.Feq{prop:cap} = true #endif #set(%temp, extract(%FieldScreenControl, 'UPR')) #! UPR present #if(%temp) Self.Feq{prop:upr} = true #endif #set(%Temp, extract(%FieldScreenControl, 'TIP', 1)) #if(%Temp) Self.Feq{prop:tip} = %Temp #endif #endfor ! End EIP Attributes ------------------------------------ #break #endif #endfor Printed December 3, 2024, 11:42 am This article has been viewed/printed 35222 times. |