www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 5/15/2016    

Code Template: Store Clarion Build in a variable

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This template stores the value of the %CWVersion template symbol in a variable.




Variable for BuildThis variable receives the build number.  The build number is a 4 digit integer that ranges from 2000 for Clarion for Windows 2.0 to 8000 for Clarion 8.  Note that the build number that Softvelocity issues for each of their builds is not included in this version information.  I.e. Clarion 6.3 build 9053 shows as 6300.  Same does Clarion 6.3 build 9057.








Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/storeclarionbuildinavaria.htm