www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 11/16/2009    

Shell Class:  ITShellExec

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Prototype: (String pFile, <String pOp>, <String pParam>, <String pDir>, Long pShow=IT_SW_SHOWNORMAL),Long,PROC


pFileFilename to execute.
pOpOptional verb to use.
pParamOptional parameters to pass.
pDirOptional default directory/folder to use.
pShowOptional Show parameters.


ReturnsIf the file passed in pFile is not found the return value is -999.  If it is found the return value is the return value from the ShellExecute api


This is the same as the ShellExec method except that the first parameter (window handle) is skipped.  For more information about the ShellExecute api I suggest reading about it on the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN).


This method is a very powerful wrapper for the API and gives you all the power that API can give you. 



ITS  ITShellExec


ITS.ITShellExec('http://www.icetips.com')  !! Opens the Icetips website

ITS.ITShellExec('C:\mydoc.doc',IT_SE_PRINT) !! Sends C:\mydoc.doc to the printer.

ITS.ITShellExec('C:\Mybat.bat',IT_SE_OPEN,,,IT_SW_SHOWMINIMIZED)  !! Runs the .bat file in a minimized window



See also:






Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/itshellexec_shellclass.htm