www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 11/16/2009    

Shell Class:  ShellExec

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Prototype: (Long pW, String pOp, String pFile, <String pParam>, <String pDir>, Long pShow=IT_SW_SHOWNORMAL),Long,PROC


pWWindow handle to use.
pOpOperator or verb to use.
pFileFilename to execute.
pParamOptional parameters
pDirOptional startup directory
pShowOptional show parameters.


ReturnsReturns the returnvalue from ShellExec api.


This method is a direct wrapper for the ShellExec api.  The only difference is that it accepts string rather than CStrings and the 3 last parameters are optional.



ITS  ITShellClass


ITS.ShelLExec(0{Prop:Handle},'C:\mydocs\letter.doc')  !! Opens a MS Word document



See also:



Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/shellexec_shellclass.htm