www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 10/1/2018    

Prepare Multi-DLL app

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Note:  This template no longer exits.  Please use the "Prepare Multi-DLL app" template to export global data.




This template exports all global data that is in the application to a TXD file.  You can then simply import the TXD file into your dictionary to get all your global data from the application.  This is very handy when splitting a single application file into multiple DLLs.  Then it is very convenient to keep the Global data in the dictionary and then the templates will take care of exporting them correctly.


To start, select "Application | Template Utility" from the Clarion 6 main menu or "Application | Utility Template" from the Clarion 7 menu.  Alternatively you can hit Ctrl-U on the keyboard (both versions)




Select the "ITExportGlobalData - Export Global Data" utility template from the "IcetipsUtilityTemplate" class.



By default the filename to use is set to "Global" and the prefix to "Glo"  If this does not match with what you need you can change it before you export the data.  Click the OK button to export the data.  It will be exported to a file that uses the same filename as the application (.app file) but with a "_global" appended to the name.   This is a fully qualified TXD file so it can be imported directly, however only the label and data type are exported.


The next step is import the .txd file into your dictionary.  Load the target dictionary file and select "File | Import Text" in Clarion 6.  In Clarion 7 please see the screenshot below:








CREATED '27 SEP 2009' ' 5:49PM'

MODIFIED '27 SEP 2009' ' 5:49PM'




!!> USAGE(Global)

Record                   RECORD

BrowseInfoShown            BYTE

Test                       STRING(20)





This shows a generated TXD with two Global fields in it, ready to import into a dictionary. 

Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/prepare_multi_dll_app.htm