www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 11/30/2010    

SetupBuilder Class: SBCommandLine

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This dynamic CString contains the commandline used to run the SetupBuilder compiler.  It is constructed at runtime based on the executable found for the project file, compiler variables added to the project and if destination is specified or not.  As different versions of Windows have different maximum sizes for the command line, the class checks to see if the commandline being constructed is larger than the maximum allowed by the operating system.  If it is too big, the CompileSBProject method will return -2 and the SBCommandLine will be empty.  The SBCommandLine is disposed in the Destruct method.



SBCommandLine             &CString


See also:








Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/sbcommandline_setupbuilder.htm