www.icetips.com  Icetips Utilities Documentation 6/23/2012    

Version History: 2008

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This chapter lists all releases in 2008 along with changes to classes, templates and documentation.


Version 1.1.2320 - November 11, 2008

Version 1.1.2319 - September 02, 2008

Version 1.1.2316 - August 27, 2008



Version 1.1.2320 - November 11, 2008 

Updates, features:

1.Utility class documentation finished. 
2.String class documentation finished.
3.All topics in the help show when they were last updated.  Does not show in the PDF though.
4.RemoveForwardSlash and RemoveBackSlash did not work correctly if the string started and ended with the slash and both should be removed.  Fixed.
5.GetFilePart and RemoveBackSlash added to Core Class Demo.




Version 1.1.2319 - Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Updates, features:

1.New method in CoreClass, RemoveForwardSlash



1.MS Header template had the wrong image size.  Fixed.
2.tThemedControls was missing the TYPE attribute.  Fixed.
3."Add Header Sort to Queue" template made use of a class property (UsePictureForCase) that was not in Clarion 6.1 causing compile errors in Clarion versions prior to Clarion 6.2.  Fixed.
4.SelectFile in the FileSelectClass could clear variable when the FileDialog was canceled.  Regression in build 2316.  Fixed.
5.ITUtilityClass.inc file was not update with current version number.  Fixed.
6.SearchReplace method in the CoreClass would fail when searching for '/' when the string to be searched contained '//' - only the first character would be replaced.  Fixed.
7.SearchReplace method in the CoreClass would fail when searching for '/' and replacing with '//' - it would fill the entire string with '/' from the first occurance.  This only happens if the replace string was longer and if both search and replace contained all the same character.  Fixed.




Version 1.1.2316 - August 27, 2008


Updates, features:

2.Core Class documentation finished.
3.Demo apps will now be done for each individual class, rather than for the whole project as it get's way too big.
4.Core Class demo application finished.
5.LastApiError and LastApiErrorCode properties added to class.  They are set in the GetLastAPIError and GetLastAPIErrorCode
6.Install improved and tested on a clean Clarion 6.3 9059 platform. 
7.Build Automator script created to automatically handle new builds. 



8.GetFileAttrib(String...) was not passing the string on to the GetFileAttrib(*CString...) method, causing it to fail since no filename was passed to it.  Fixed.
9.GetLastApiError and GetLastAPIErrorCode methods moved from WindowsClass to CoreClass
10.ITWinWiz.tpl contained a reference to a template that was not included with the Utilities.  Fixed.



Direct link to this page: http://www.icetips.com/manuals/utilities/version_history_2008.htm