Templates, Tools and Utilities for Clarion Developers
14 Demo Files Available for Download |
File Date |
Description |
Size |
File Name |
2022-01-28 |
Window Fixer Demo program. Created with Clarion 11.0 and WindowFixer 2021.06.157
Window Fixer Demo program. Created with Clarion 11.0 and WindowFixer 2021.06.157. Copy of the people.app with WindowFixer applied. Note that this is NOT an installer, but a compiled and code signed exe with the help and PDF documentation.
2 |
WindowFixerDemo.zip |
2015-10-28 |
Previewer demo for CSV export
Previewer demo that shows how the CSV export class works. This is a code signed installation program.
1 |
PreviewerCSVDemo.exe |
2011-09-19 |
Icetips Taskpanel Demo program
Demo program for Icetips Taskpanel. This is built with the latest version, 2.0.145, and includes a executable, help file and documentation.
1 |
TaskpanelDemo.exe |
2011-09-16 |
Icetips Outlookbar Demo program
Demo program for Icetips Outlookbar. This is built with the latest version, 2.0.143, and includes a executable, help file and documentation.
1 |
OutlookbarDemo.exe |
2010-03-08 |
Power Toolbar Demo
Power Toolbar demo install. The demo installs a exe and tps file to demonstrate the Power Toolbar product. This demo is supplied as a demo app with the product. It is compiled local so it does not need any runtime dlls.
1 |
POToolbarDemo.exe |
2009-02-09 |
Icetips Previewer 2.7 demo
Demo program for version 2.7. Includes Report Writer report and printing to PDF, HTML, XML and Text files using the report target classes.
2 |
PreviewerDemo.exe |
2007-09-29 |
Icetips Magic Locks demo, version 1.1
This demo install shows what can be done with our new Icetips Magic Locks. This demo uses Icetips Magic Locks version 1.1 and should work flawlessly on Windows Vista. The demo comes with an introduction video with information about how to use the Magic Locks.
7 |
MagicLocksDemo.exe |
2007-08-14 |
Page of Pages demo
This small demo, using the invoice.dct from the Clarion 6.3 examples, demonstrates basic use of the Page of Pages class in the Icetips Utilities. The zip includes app, dct, tps and other necessary files. It also includes a locally compiled exe.
742 |
PageOfPages.zip |
2004-03-22 |
Icetips Previewer 2.0 Demo
5 |
itprevdemo.exe |
2003-09-12 |
Icetips Professional Demo
4 |
itwizardprodemo.exe |
2003-03-11 |
Icetips Xplore Demo
Please note that this demo is VERY old!
924 |
itxploredemo.exe |
2002-08-22 |
Magic Buttons Demo
1 |
itmagicbuttonsdemo.exe |
2002-08-22 |
Magic Entries Demo
1 |
itmagicentriesdemo.exe |
2002-01-29 |
Icetips Previewer 1.0 Demo
978 |
itprevdemo_old.exe |