` Change color of appframe background (Jim Gambon) - Icetips Article
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Windows API: Change color of appframe background
2005-02-03 -- Jim Gambon
Newsgroups: softvelocity.clarion.language > How can I change the background color of the appframe window? On > MDI/SDI windows you can just set the background window, but you can't > on APPLICATION windows. Any good ideas? I just tested this out in C6. It requires no sub-classing, and I think it works as you need it. What it does is change the appframe's class to use a brush of your own definition. For your example of "solid white" do this: In Global or Module level map put these Win32 API definitions: MODULE('Win32API') GetClassLong PROCEDURE(LONG thehWnd,LONG theIndex),| LONG,PASCAL,NAME('GetClassLongA') SetClassLong PROCEDURE(LONG thehWnd,LONG theIndex,LONG theNewValue),| LONG,PROC,PASCAL,NAME('SetClassLongA') CreateSolidBrush PROCEDURE(LONG TheColor),LONG,PASCAL,NAME('CreateSolidBrush') DeleteObject PROCEDURE(LONG theObject),LONG,PROC,PASCAL,NAME('DeleteObject') END !MODULE You will also need, if you want, this equate: GCL_HBRBACKGROUND EQUATE(-10) Then, in the AppFrame procedure, create some LONG variables for saving the brushs. SaveNewBrush LONG SaveOldBrush LONG Next, right after the OPEN(AppFrame) statement in ThisWindow.Init (so that you catch it before any actual screen activity takes place) put this: SaveOldBrush = GetClassLong(AppFrame{PROP:ClientHandle},GCL_HBRBACKGROUND) SaveNewBrush = CreateSolidBrush(0FFFFFFh) ! Solid White IF SaveNewBrush <> 0 SetClassLong(AppFrame{PROP:ClientHandle},GCL_HBRBACKGROUND,SaveNewBrush) END !IF Finally, reset and delete the brush objects in the TakeCloseEvent handler for the ThisWindow object: IF SaveOldBrush <> 0 SetClassLong(AppFrame{PROP:ClientHandle},GCL_HBRBACKGROUND,SaveOldBrush) SaveOldBrush = 0 END !IF IF SaveNewBrush <> 0 DeleteObject(SaveNewBrush) SaveNewBrush = 0 END !IF I haven't tried it out yet, but I bet you could create a number of cool brush objects to paint the background. Let me know if this works well for you, and does not have any unpleasant side-effects. Best regards, Jim

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