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Back to article list Search Articles Add Comment Printer friendly Direct link ABC: Controlling return from form to browse 1999-04-02 -- Jim Defabia Newsgroups: topspeed.products.c5ee
Create a Global variable and define it so it can has a value of 1, 2, 3, or
4 and allow the user to set it (either on the Browse window or in a
preferences procedure). I used an OPTION as follows:
OPTION('Insert Mode'),AT(253,20,50,78),USE(GLO:InsertModeFlag),BOXED
Next in the Update Procedure, embed this code in the embed point immediately
before opening the window (WindowManager, INIT, Priority 7800)
EXECUTE GLO:InsertModeFlag
SELF.InsertAction = Insert:None ! default
SELF.InsertAction = Insert:Caller ! return to caller
SELF.InsertAction = Insert:Batch ! add another
SELF.InsertAction = Insert:Query ! prompt user to add another
Jim DeFabia
>In legacy, I would put a "Cycle" checkbox on a browse, and if it was
>on, the Inserts would continue until the user cancelled out of the
>Code was something like this (placed after Insert accepted)
>if globalresponse<>requestcancelled and loc:cycle
> post(event:accepted,?insert)
> glo:cycle=0
>In ABC, I get one extra Insert accepted after the user cancels out of
>the form. What am I doing wrong?
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