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ABC: Figuring out the methods and the documentation
1999-01-19 -- Arnor Baldvinsson
Newsgroups: comp.lang.clarion >What confuses me the most are all the new commands (ThisWindow:Kill or >something like that, or Fetch??) that I can't find references to in the >Manual. The best place to hunt the methods down is the PDF files. Ok, let's take the ThisWindow.Kill method for example. On the procedure properties window you will find a button called "Windows behaviour" Click on it and you get two tabs, "General" and "Classes" Select the "Classes" tab and you see "Object Name: ThisWindow" Right beneath it is a checkbox "Use default ABC:WindowManager" Ok, so we know there is something called ThisWindow and ABC:WindowManager. Now, back out all the way to the procedure tree, right click on the procedure and select "Source". Hit Alt-F3 and search for ThisWindow and it will find a line: ThisWindow CLASS(WindowManager) Aha! So, this is a WindowManager class. Now open the Application Handbook PDF file in Acrobat and open the "Part II - Application Builder Class Library" Scroll all the way down to chapter 54 - WindowManager. Now you have found the reference to the class. Open it and then open the "WindowManager Methods" and you get a list over all the WindowManager methods. Click on Kill and then you have information about this method on the screen. For Fetch, it is similar. Now, it depends on what this Fetch is used for where you find it in the AH. If it's used to get a record from a file it's in the FileManager class so that's where you start in the AH. If it's used in the browse, it's in the BrowseClass in the AH etc. Now the second source of info is the help. Place the cursor at the start of WindowManager in the source code and hit F1. You get 3 items to pick from, select the first one "Window Manager" and you get an overview of the WM class and links to each property and method etc. If you're not sure what something is, step back, open the source and look for it. Then use the help and the AH to read about it. Best regards, Arnor Baldvinsson

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