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Back to article list Search Articles Add Comment Printer friendly Direct link ABC: Illegal Instruction problem and a fix (C5) 1999-02-16 -- George Lehmann Newsgroups: topspeed.products.c5ee.bugs
A couple of weeks ago I stumbled into a problem wherein I was getting an
Illegal Instruction on a reproducible basis. Herewith is the scenario and
the cure:
In a multi-dll app, the main EXE calls a procedure in one DLL, which in turn
calls another procedure in a second DLL which then tries to open a window
which calls IniMgr.Fetch, at which time an Illegal Instruction occurs and
the application terminates.
The defining characteristic is that the second DLL is NOT declared as a DLL
to the main EXE. Once the second DLL is declared in the main EXE, the
problem vanishes.
Hope this helps someone,
George Lehmann
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