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ABC: Overriding error class to log errors to file
1998-12-14 -- Joseph Lucas
Newsgroups: topspeed.products.c4 I have a conversion program which reads our clarion 2110 .dat files and copies them to our SA database. Here's what I do: 1) In Global properties, Classes tab, General button - I changed the ErrorManager to AppErrors. 2) In Global properties, Embeds, After Global Includes - I added the following: AppErrors CLASS(ErrorClass) WriteError PROCEDURE END 3) In Global properties, Embeds, Program Procedures - I added the following: AppErrors.WriteError PROCEDURE CODE Global:Error = SELF.SubsString() SELF.SetID(Msg:AddFailed) ! This Error message contains the %ErrorText macro. ASC:Line=CLIP(ASC:Line) &' '& SELF.SubsString() ! This method translates %ErrorText to the ADD(AsciiFile) ! pertinent ERRORCODE()&ERROR() values. 4) In Global properties, Embeds, After File Declarations - I added the following: AsciiFile FILE,DRIVER('ASCII'),NAME(LogFileName),PRE(ASC),CREATE Record RECORD,PRE() Line STRING(2048) END END 5) In my source procedure when I'm ready to write a record to the SA database I use: IF Access:Dx.TryInsert() ASC:Line = '** DX ('&CLIP(DX:DxCode)&' '&DX:DxType&') File Error' GlobalErrors.WriteError END 6) In Setup, Application Options, Generation tab - Turn off (uncheck) "Enable #ASSERT checking". That should do it, let me know if I forgot anything. HTH, ---------------------------------------------------------------- Joseph Lucas

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