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OLE/ActiveX: Writing text to MS-Word document or template
2004-04-16 -- Glenn Rathke
Newsgroups: comp.lang.clarion,softvelocity.clarion.third_party Actually it is not all that difficult opening and writing to a document. Here is the code I use to search and replace my own tokens in a word template: Use as you see fit. WordMagic Routine ! Save Document As ?Ole{PROP:ReportException} = TRUE !This is to report any OLE errors ?Ole{PROP:Create} ='Word.Application' !Run Word ?Ole{'Application.WindowState'} = 1 !To Maximize ?Ole{'Documents.Open("' & CLIP(LOC:FileName) & '")'} ?Ole{'Application.Visible'} = True ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.Forward'} = -1 ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.Wrap'} = 1 ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.Format'} = 0 ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.MatchCase'} = 0 ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.MatchWholeWord'} = 0 ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.MatchWildcards'} = 0 ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.MatchSoundsLike'} = 0 ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.MatchAllWordForms'} = 0 Counter# = 0 Loop 6 Times Counter# += 1 ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.ClearFormatting'} ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.Replacement.ClearFormatting'} Execute Counter# Begin ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.Text'} = '' ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.Replacement.Text'} = Format(Today(),@D18) End Begin ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.Text'} = '' ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.Replacement.Text'} = LOC:CurrentAddress End Begin ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.Text'} = '' ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.Replacement.Text'} = Peo:FirstName End Begin ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.Text'} = '' ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.Replacement.Text'} = Peo:LastName End Begin ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.Text'} = '' ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.Replacement.Text'} = CLIP(CLIP(Peo:FirstName) & ' ' & CLIP(Peo:LastName)) End Begin ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.Text'} = chr(10) ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.Replacement.Text'} = '' End End ?Ole{'Application.Selection.Find.Execute (,,,,,,,,,,2)'} End If LOC:SaveDocument = Button:Yes PeoD:DocName = GLO:Templates & PeoD:DocID PeoD:DocName = PeoD:DocName & '.DOC' Do GetFileName ! PeoD:Description PeoD:Description = PeoD:Description & ' DOC ' ?Ole{'ActiveDocument.SaveAs("' & CLIP(PeoD:DocName) & '",,,,0)'} ! Don't add to recent files Else PeoD:DocName = 'C:\CM.DOC' Remove(PeoD:DocName) ?Ole{'ActiveDocument.SaveAs("' & CLIP(PeoD:DocName) & '",,,,0)'} ! Don't add to recent files PeoD:DocName = 'Not Saved' Do GetFileName ! PeoD:Description PeoD:Description = PeoD:Description & ' DOC not saved ' ?EditDocument{Prop:Hide} = True Display() End

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