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Templates, Tools and Utilities
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Templates: Create memory record for a file
1998-12-27 -- Roberto Artigas Jr.
Newsgroups: TopSpeed.Topic.Templates Editors note: Please note that some lines may wrap in the template code. Heavenes - If you are using the ABC DLL Toolkit from Jim Katz you are probably aware that there are File DLL's and Code DLL's and each different dictionaries is in a different DLL's. So if you run into having to write a record that belongs to a different dictionary in a different DLL you will need to pass the record with the data fields needed to be written. Here is a template that will generate a memory record format and key areas for each file. Each file will be in it's own source file that can be included. This template is a starting point. Modify to taste. Mileage may vary. Enjoy! Roberto Artigas Jr ascend@netten.net #!==================================================================== #!==================================================================== #!==================================================================== #UTILITY (GenerateRecords, 'Generate Record Groups'), WIZARD #!==================================================================== #SHEET #TAB ('Generate Records Groups') #DISPLAY ('This wizard will generate group definitions of the contents of your current dictionary.'), AT(90, 8, 235, 24) #DISPLAY ('To specify how you want the report constructed, click on the Next button.'), AT(90) #ENDTAB #TAB ('Dictionary Print Wizard - Reported Files'), FINISH(1) #DISPLAY ('You can report on each file in your dictionary, or you can select individual files to report on.'), AT(90, 8, 235, 24) #PROMPT ('Report on all files in my dictionary.', CHECK), %DictionaryReportUseAllFiles, DEFAULT(1), AT(90,, 180) #ENDTAB #TAB ('Dictionary Print Wizard - Select Reported Files'), WHERE(~%DictionaryReportUseAllFiles), FINISH(1) #PROMPT ('File Selection', FROM (%File)), %DictionaryReportFileSelection, INLINE, SELECTION('File Selection'), AT(90, 8, 235) #ENDTAB #TAB ('Dictionary Print Wizard - Finally...') #DISPLAY ('This concludes the dictionary Group Generate wizard.'), AT(90, 8, 235, 24) #DISPLAY ('Click on the Finish button to generate Groups.'), AT(90, 82, 235, 24) #ENDTAB #ENDSHEET #COMMENT(45) #DECLARE (%ReportedFiles),UNIQUE #DECLARE (%Groups), MULTI #DECLARE (%ValueConstruct) #DECLARE (%TheKeyId) #DECLARE (%TheKeyNo,LONG) #IF (%DictionaryReportUseAllFiles) #FOR (%File) #ADD (%ReportedFiles, %File) #ENDFOR #ELSE #FOR (%DictionaryReportFileSelection) #ADD (%ReportedFiles, %DictionaryReportFileSelection) #ENDFOR #ENDIF #DECLARE (%OutputFile) #FOR (%ReportedFiles) #FIX (%File, %ReportedFiles) #SET (%OutputFile,%FILE&'.GRP') #MESSAGE('File Group Definition: ' & %OutputFile, 2) #CREATE (%OutputFile) !BOF ! ! File: %OutputFile ! Purpose: Generated File Records as Groups ! Author: GenerateRecords Template ! Narative: This template is used to pass records structures ! back and forth between DLL's when the files ! are not shared. Since file definitions are not ! available, data has to be passed in areas. ! #IF (%FileType = 'ALIAS') ! Name: %File(An alias for %AliasFile) #ELSE ! Name: %File #ENDIF ! Prefix: %FilePrefix #IF (%FileDescription) ! Description: %FileDescription #ENDIF #IF (%FileName) ! Filename: %FileName #ENDIF ! !-Keys- #SUSPEND #FOR (%Key) ! %[27]KeyID %| #FOR (%KeyField) #FIX (%Field, %KeyField) #IF (INSTANCE(%KeyField) = 1) %FieldID(%KeyFieldSequence) #ELSE !%[29]Null%FieldID(%KeyFieldSequence) #ENDIF #ENDFOR #ENDFOR #RESUME !-Keys- #SUSPEND #SET(%TheKeyNo,0) #FOR (%Key) #FOR (%KeyField) #FIX (%Field, %KeyField) #IF (INSTANCE(%KeyField) = 1) #!SET(%TheKeyId,SUB(%KeyID,1,INSTRING('_',%KeyID,1,1)-1)) #SET(%TheKeyId,'Key'&%TheKeyNo) %FilePrefix:mKey:%KeyID GROUP,TYPE,BINDABLE,PRE(m%FilePrefix:%TheKeyId) %FieldStruct #

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