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Par2: Caller ID
1999-11-07 -- Craig Ransom
copy of message from -- Craig (The Data Ferret): If you mean for use in a Clarion program, just use CLACom or WinEvent. You don't need anything more sophisticated than that! You will have to have: 1. Caller ID enabled on your phone line. (Hint: getting Caller ID ALSO forces the phone company to "condition" your phone line. The cost of Caller ID is usually LESS than getting a "conditioned" line, so you get two-for-one at a discount!) 2. A Caller ID-enabled modem. 3. Write your code using CLACom or WinEvent. The modem should come with a manual or help file that will explain what commands to use. The USUAL command is the "AT #CID=1 S0=255" string. The #CID=1 enables Caller Id and S0=255 sets up the modem to respond to incoming signals, but to not actually answer the phone. Note that using #CID=1 decodes the incoming Caller ID into several lines. Using #CID=2 brings only one line but it is in Ascii HEX format. Here are some examples: AT #CID=1 S0=255 OK RING DATE = 1025 TIME = 1851 NMBR = 4105551212 NAME = MARYLAND RING AT #CID=2 S0=255 RING 802701083130323531383532020A34313035353531323132070F4D4152594C414E4420202020 20202057 RING N.B. The Ascii Hex format does NOT wrap to two lines. It is terminated by a LF or CR/LF. Here's a breakdown of the Ascii Hex record: 80 Record header byte 27 Record Length 01 Section Type (01 = Date/Time) 08 Section length = 8 bytes 31 1 Date Month 1st digit 30 0 Date Month 2nd digit 32 2 Date Day 1st digit 35 5 Date Day 2nd digit 31 1 Time Hour 1st digit 38 8 Time Hour 2nd digit 35 5 Time Min 1st digit 32 2 Time Min 2nd digit 02 Section Type (02 = Phone Number) 0A Section Length = 10 34 4 Phone Number digit #1 31 1 Phone Number digit #2 30 0 Phone Number digit #3 35 5 Phone Number digit #4 35 5 Phone Number digit #5 35 5 Phone Number digit #6 31 1 Phone Number digit #7 32 2 Phone Number digit #8 31 1 Phone Number digit #9 32 2 Phone Number digit #10 07 Section Type (07 = Text/Name) 0F Section Length = 15 4D M 41 A 52 R 59 Y 4C L 41 A 4E N 44 D 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 57 End of Record indicator

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