` Check for multiple instances of a program (Alexey Solovjev ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: Check for multiple instances of a program
2000-01-16 -- Alexey Solovjev
Far ago I posted an example of the program which uses mutex objects to find another its instance. Attached one is its extension which uses SetProp/GetProp functions to get a handle of first instance's window from another program instance (really, in this way mutex objects become unnecessary). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM OMIT ('=== 16 bit', _WIDTH32_) This program uses 32 bit specific API calls ! === 16 bit HANDLE EQUATE(UNSIGNED) HWND EQUATE(HANDLE) DWORD EQUATE(LONG) BOOL EQUATE(SIGNED) LPARAM EQUATE(LONG) SW_RESTORE EQUATE(9) ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS EQUATE(183) MAP MODULE('') CreateMutex (<*DWORD>, BOOL, <*CSTRING>),HANDLE,RAW,PASCAL,NAME('CreateMutexA') CloseHandle (HANDLE),BOOL,PROC,PASCAL,NAME('CloseHandle') GetLastError (),DWORD,PASCAL,NAME('GetLastError') GetDesktopWindow (),HWND,PASCAL,NAME('GetDesktopWindow') GetWindowText (HWND,*CSTRING,SIGNED),SIGNED,RAW,PROC,PASCAL,NAME('GetWindowTextA') SetProp (HWND,*CSTRING,HANDLE),BOOL,RAW,PROC,PASCAL,NAME('SetPropA') GetProp (HWND,*CSTRING),HANDLE,RAW,PASCAL,NAME('GetPropA') RemoveProp (HWND,*CSTRING),HANDLE,RAW,PROC,PASCAL,NAME('RemovePropA') IsIconic (HWND),BOOL,PASCAL,NAME('IsIconic') ShowWindow (HWND,SIGNED),BOOL,PROC,PASCAL,NAME('ShowWindow') SetForegroundWindow (HWND),BOOL,PROC,PASCAL,NAME('SetForegroundWindow') END ShutProc() Main() TestInst(),BOOL SwitchToOther(),BOOL END IDString CSTRING('00000ABC000') ! Some program ID string AppMutexH HANDLE(0) PropSet BOOL(FALSE) CODE SHUTDOWN (ShutProc) IF NOT TestInst() IF SwitchToOther() RETURN END END Main() RETURN ! =================================================================== ShutProc PROCEDURE() CODE IF AppMutexH <> 0 CloseHandle (AppMutexH) AppMutexH = 0 END IF PropSet RemoveProp (GetDesktopWindow(), IDString) PropSet = FALSE END ! =================================================================== TestInst PROCEDURE() CODE AppMutexH = CreateMutex (, FALSE, IDString) RETURN CHOOSE (GetLastError() <> ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) ! =================================================================== SwitchToOther PROCEDURE() OtherInstFrame HWND,AUTO Info CSTRING(128),AUTO CODE OtherInstFrame = GetProp (GetDesktopWindow(), IDString) IF OtherInstFrame = 0 MESSAGE ('Property is FALSE') RETURN FALSE END GetWindowText (OtherInstFrame, Info, SIZE (Info)) MESSAGE (Info, OtherInstFrame) SetForegroundWindow (OtherInstFrame) IF IsIconic (OtherInstFrame) ShowWindow (OtherInstFrame, SW_RESTORE) END RETURN TRUE ! =================================================================== Main PROCEDURE() W0 APPLICATION('One Instance Test Program'),AT(,,280,100),FONT('MS Sans Serif',8,,FONT:regular),SYSTEM, | RESIZE,ICON(ICON:Application),MAX TOOLBAR,AT(0,0,,30) BUTTON('&Close'),AT(8,7,45,14),USE(?Close),STD(STD:Close) END END hWnd HWND,AUTO CODE OPEN (W0) hWnd = W0 {PROP:Handle} SetProp (GetDesktopWindow(), IDString, hWnd) PropSet = TRUE W0 {PROP:Text} = W0 {PROP:Text} & ' - ' & hWnd ACCEPT END CLOSE (W0)

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