` Calling Outlook using OLE (Jim Kane ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: Calling Outlook using OLE
2000-04-04 -- Jim Kane
Here is a very simple program to send mail. For showing I put a send button and called the display method where noramally from a program I would just call the send method. program map end Window WINDOW('outlook'),AT(,,119,100),SYSTEM,GRAY,DOUBLE OLE,AT(20,6,80,20),USE(?Ole1) END BUTTON('Send'),AT(33,79,45,14),USE(?Button1),DISABLE END citem cstring(20) code open(window) accept If event()=event:openwindow ?ole1{prop:create}='outlook.application' cItem=?ole1{'createItem(0)'} if citem[1]<>'`' then Message('no mail item created - error') else ?ole1{citem&'.to'} ='peder@pg-d.com' ?Ole1{citem&'.from'}='jkane@satx.rr.com' ?ole1{citem&'.subject'}='test message' ?ole1{citem&'.body'}='text message' ?ole1{citem&'.display'} !for testing only enable(?button1) end end if event()=event:accepted then ?ole1{citem&'.send'} end if event()=event:closewindow then if citem[1]='`' then ?ole1{prop:release}=citem clear(citem) end ?ole1{'quit'} end end close(window) Bob Brooker adds: to add to Jim's example, you can find the exact properties and methods for all of the Office Applications at http://msdn.microsoft.com/resources/libraries.asp there are too many to enum here.

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