` Multi-field locate funtion (Jeff Slarve ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: Multi-field locate funtion
2000-12-28 -- Jeff Slarve
>I have a browse with three columns My:Col1, My:Col2 & My:Col3 >The browse is using My:MYkey which is made up of My:Col1, My:Col2 & My:Col3 >(all ascending) > >I want to add three [entry] fields underneath the browse ( Yep!:) XCol1, XCol2 & >XCol3 and I also want a >button. When I fill in XCol1, XCol2 & XCol3, I want top Locate the Row which >matches the three fields. > >In other words, I want to locate when I press the button and NOT >when I fill in a particluar field only. First you would prime your key fields as in legacy, then either: If NOT Access:YourFile.Fetch(PRE:YourKEY) YourBrowse.ResetFromBuffer() End Or, if you want to get "close" if there is no exact match: !PrimeFields Access:YourFile.Next() Dennis Evans notes: The Access.Next is not needed, just prime the fields and ResetFromBuffer.

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