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Par2: Variant 2001-10-04 -- Andrew Ireland > Does clarion have a variant type?
Just treat is as a group and pass by address. Where you need to pass by value, I have some Asm code that
puts a whole in the
stack and pushes the data on so those methods can be called. Attached is code, below example etc..
The following example calls the ADO Recordset Seek method. This is because you can't simply push it in a
thread safe way any
other way and you need to use the group rather than the built in type so you have the control you need
without the datatype
conversion code in the RTL getting in the way. The tVariant structure can be found in the ai_comdef.inc
file. A brief
explanation of the structures follows the example....
CRecordSet21.Seek procedure(*tVariant vtKeyValues, long SeekOption)
Offs long
pFunc long
pRst long
pFunc = address(self.IRst21.raw_Seek)
pRst = address(self.IRst21)
Offs = PushLong(Offs, SeekOption)
Offs = PushVariant(Offs, address(vtKeyValues))
Offs = PushLong(Offs, pRst)
hr = AdjustStackCallAndClean(Offs, pFunc)
return hr
The srVal over iVal is needed for 4 byte real values coming back from something like ADO else the value
gets messed up. See the
next explanation. iVal recieves all values of a 4 byte size such as VT_BSTR, VT_I4 etc. BSTR values are
pointers and need
converting to clarion cstrings using API functions.
tVariant group,type
vt short
wReserved1 short
wReserved2 short
wReserved3 short
iVal long
iVal2 long
srVal sreal,over(iVal)
This is a variation of the tVariant specifically for a real as this is needed when reading real values
into a variant from
something like ADO or clarion will use it's type conversion and mess up the value.
tVariantr group,type
vt short
wReserved1 short
wReserved2 short
wReserved3 short
rVal real
The following is needed for omitable params, nothing else will do less you receive an error.
vtMissing group
vt short(VT_ERROR)
wReserved1 short
wReserved2 short
wReserved3 short
pad long
Here's how to compile in the ASM code...
SupFnc class,link('supfnc.a', _COMLinkMode_),dll(_COMDllMode_)
AdjustStackCallAndClean(long dwSize, long pFunc),long,name('_AdjustStackCallAndClean')
PushLong(long Offs, long iVal),long,name('_PushLong')
PushVariant(long Offs, long pvt),long,name('_PushVariant')
Only functions that pass them by value need this, all others I have encountered in COM do not need
anything special doing. But
if it is needed, all params must be pushed this way. Thankfully they are all either longs or variants.
It's a quick dirty hack
but works nonetheless.
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