` Connecting to db on other machine (Mark Bayles ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: Connecting to db on other machine
2002-01-03 -- Mark Bayles
Here is your solution. The background is this. The EXE Broker can see mapped drives etc. due to the fact of the layer & account it is operating on W2K (ie. Its logged in as some user that has some network resource permissions). However the IIS5 operates on more of a lower level and cannot see mapped networked drives (this is an apparent "security feature"). When IIS5 sets itself up it creates a LOCAL user called IUSER_ when you try to connect to another resource using the \\server\voume method it will not work as the computer you are connecting to will not recongise the IUSER_ account that you are connecting from. So to fix this problem I refer you to these Microsoft KB articles. Q184566 - HOWTO: Set up duplicate Anonymous Accounts on Separate Servers and/or Q197964 - PBR: Cannot Access Remote Files with the FileSystemObject Once you create the IUSER_ account on the network resource you want, then simply add that user onto those directories you want that machine to have access to. That will fix your problem.

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