` Clarion threads: workaround (Owen Brunker ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: Clarion threads: workaround
2002-12-27 -- Owen Brunker
Analysis ========== For some unknown reason the function THREAD() is intermittently returning the wrong thread number for the current thread. This doesn't appear to cause a problem legacy templates. But with ABC templates this becomes a nightmare. Because global Clarion objects can't be created on a thread and the ABC file manager objects, rely on tracking thread sensitive data, all thread sensitive data is managed by keeping it in various queues. The correct thread sensitive data is retreived by tying the queue records to the thread id returned by THREAD(). All the ABC file manager objects have thread context detection mechanisms at the beginning of each of their methods to make sure that the correct thread sensitive data is available. The thread context detection mechanisms rely on the call to THREAD() to determine which thread is running and to get it's data. The thread sensitive data tracked by the ABC file managers are as follows. 1. Counters which count the number of times a File has been opened on the current thread 2. Saved copied of record buffers. 3. Saved copied of fields belonging to keys, needed for referential integrity during updates and deletes. Common manifestations of an incorrect thread id returned by THREAD() are complaints from the file managers that files haven't been closed and bind errors. More serious problems that I have encountered is to do with the referential integrity of my apps eg. The time sheets of one employee jumping to another employee because of an unexpected cascade update resulting from the file manager using data from another thread context. As described in the analysis, the issue is the THREAD() function. If the problem was deeper than this we would be seeing problems manifesting within the applications using the LEGACY templates. These LEGACY applications are remarkebly free of problems. We have one such system deployed in C5.5 that runs with little or no problems. Solution ========== The solution to the problem is to replace the THREAD() function with GetCurrentThreadId(). GetCurrentThreadId() is a function provided by the Win32 API and returns a thread id in the form of a ULONG that is unique system wide. The fact is that in Win32 applications, Clarion does use Operating System threads but keeps them locked to protect against re-entrancy problems in the runtime libraries. Somewhere internally it is translating a thread's id provided by the system to its own numbering system. The easiest way to replace the THREAD() function is modify BUILTINS.CLW so that any call to THREAD() results in a call to GetCurrentThreadId(). As GetCurrentThreadId() returns a ULONG, a scan of all code to check the size of variables used to store thread ids is probably important. Recompile your app after these changes and give it a good work out.

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