` COPY('*.std','stdfiles.clm') (Greg Berthume ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: COPY('*.std','stdfiles.clm')
2003-07-16 -- Greg Berthume
> COPY('*.std','stdfiles.clm') > > How can I do something like this in Clarion? API? > > Need to copy multiple files into a single file like you can in DOS. Here's some code I whipped up that does the job if anybody else needs it. Make sure you add the DOS driver to your app/project. ! Procedure Declaration: MFileCopy PROCEDURE(STRING pFolder, STRING pFiles, STRING pDestFile, BYTE pFlag, BYTE pEraseFile),LONG ! Globals gDestFile CSTRING(128) gCFile CSTRING(FILE:MaxFilePath) ! Usage Example: E# = MFileCopy('c:\temp','*.asc','ascfiles.sav',1,1) IF E# STOP('MFileCopy Error: ' & E#) END STOP('MFileCopy Completed') !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------! MFileCopy PROCEDURE(STRING pFolder, STRING pFiles, STRING pDestFile, BYTE pFlag, BYTE pEraseFile) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------! CFile FILE,DRIVER('DOS'),NAME(gCFile),PRE(CFL),CREATE Record RECORD,PRE() Chunk STRING(128) END END DFile FILE,DRIVER('DOS'),NAME(gDestFile),PRE(DFL),CREATE Record RECORD,PRE() Chunk STRING(128) END END lFolder CSTRING(FILE:MaxFilePath) lFiles CSTRING(20) lFlag BYTE lEraseFile BYTE CFileQ QUEUE(FILE:Queue),PRE(CFQ) END CopyWindow WINDOW,AT(,,148,45),FONT('Tahoma',10,,),CENTER,GRAY,DOUBLE IMAGE('cmspackage.ico'),AT(6,12),USE(?Image1) STRING('Copying File To ->'),AT(29,4),USE(?TransferString),TRN,FONT('Tahoma',10,,FONT:regular) STRING(@s12),AT(92,4),USE(gDestFile) PROGRESS,USE(?ProgressBar),AT(29,16,113,10),RANGE(0,100) STRING('File:'),AT(29,31),USE(?String4) STRING(@s20),AT(46,31,,10),USE(CFQ:ShortName) END CODE lFolder = pFolder lFiles = pFiles gDestFile = pDestFile lFlag = pFlag ! True if the DestFile needs to be deleted if exists. lEraseFile= pEraseFile ! True if erase source file after copying to gDestFile? SETPATH(lFolder) IF ERRORCODE() BEEP(BEEP:SystemExclamation) ; YIELD() MESSAGE('The specified folder does not exist.'&| '||Folder: ' & lFolder & '||The file copy did not occur.', | 'MFileCopy Error', ICON:Exclamation) RETURN(1) END IF lFlag REMOVE(DFile) END IF EXISTS(gDestFile) OPEN(DFile) IF ERRORCODE() STOP('Destination File Open Error: ' & ERROR()) END ELSE CREATE(DFile) IF ERRORCODE() STOP('Destination File Create Error: ' & ERROR()) END OPEN(DFile) IF ERRORCODE() STOP('DFile Open Error: ' & ERROR()) END END FREE(CFileQ) DIRECTORY(CFileQ,lFiles,ff_:Normal) IF RECORDS(CFileQ)=0 RETURN(2) END SORT(CFileQ,CFQ:ShortName) ! put the files in file name order OPEN(CopyWindow) ?ProgressBar{PROP:RangeLow} = 1 ?ProgressBar{PROP:RangeHigh} = RECORDS(CFileQ) LOOP LP# = 1 TO RECORDS(CFileQ) GET(CFileQ,LP#) gCFile = CFQ:ShortName OPEN(CFile) SET(CFile) LOOP NEXT(CFile) IF ERRORCODE() CLOSE(CFile) IF lEraseFile REMOVE(CFile) END BREAK END DFL:Chunk = CFL:Chunk APPEND(DFile) IF ERRORCODE() STOP('DFile Append Error: ' & ERROR()) CLOSE(CFile) BREAK END END ?ProgressBar{PROP:Progress} = LP# ; DISPLAY END CLOSE(DFile) CLOSE(CopyWindow) RETURN(0) Randy Goodhew adds: NOTE: In your LOOP to get records... APPEND(DFile) ! not adequate use APPEND(DFile,BYTES(NameOfRecord)) ! for variable length records You can also increase the size of the DOS record to at least the size of a small HD cluster, about 2048 or so. Greg tested: Looks like SIZE() is needed and not BYTES().

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