` Print directly to printer (Bjarne Havnen ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: Print directly to printer
2003-12-08 -- Bjarne Havnen
If you don't need that much format, it is pretty easy to print line by line to a printer. The following takes an ascii file, opens, reads and prints each line to the printer. Pretty easy to modify to i.e. a queue of data. It may be a problem with ascii vs. printerfonts regarding special characters. (Norwegian characters æoå I had to translate differently for different printers.) !Global map Module('win32') openprinter(*cstring,*unsigned,ulong),bool,pascal,raw,name('openprintera') startdocprinter(unsigned,byte,*doc_info_1),bool,pascal,raw,name('startdocpri ntera') !* enddocprinter(unsigned),bool,pascal,raw writeprinter(unsigned,string,long,*long),bool,pascal,raw startpageprinter(unsigned),bool,pascal,raw endpageprinter(unsigned),bool,pascal,raw closeprinter(unsigned),bool,pascal,raw End !Global data DOC_INFO_1 GROUP ,Type pdocname Long poutputfile Long pdatatype Long END The procedure PrintAsciiApi PROCEDURE (String pFilename,) ! Declare Procedure ! Beginning of "Data Section" ! [Priority 5000] OutputFile File,Driver('Ascii'),Pre(Out) Record Record Line String(500) End End BytesWritten Long skriver Cstring(50) HPRINT Unsigned pInfo Group(Doc_Info_1),Pre(pinfo) End pDocname cstring(20) pDatatype Cstring(10) pOutputFile cstring(20) Uttekst Like(Out:Line), Over(Out:Line) ! End of "Data Section" CODE ! Begin processed code ! Beginning of "Processed Code" ! [Priority 5000] pDocname='PrintAscii'!'!My documen' pdatatype='RAW' pOutputfile='' ! pInfo.pDocname = Address(pdocname) Pinfo.pDatatype = Address(pDatatype) pinfo.pOutputfile =Address(pOutputfile) If Omitted(2) Or Not pSkriver If PrinterDialog('Print '&pFilename) Skriver=Printer{Propprint:Device} Else Return End Else Skriver = pSkriver End If Not OpenPrinter(Skriver,hPrint,0) !something wrong Message('Open printer fails') Return End!if ! Info:pDatatype=testvar If startdocprinter(hprint,1,pinfo) <=0 !sometthing wrong Message('StartDoc printer fails '&GetLastError()) R#=ClosePrinter(hprint) Return End If Not StartPagePrinter(hPrint) Message('Start page printer fails'&GetLastError()) R#=EndDocPrinter(hprint) R#=ClosePrinter(Hprint) Return End!if OutPutFile{Prop:Name}=pFilename Open(OutputFile) If Errorcode() Message(Error()) End Set(Outputfile) !position to begyinn Loop Next(OutputFile) If Errorcode() Then Break. Out:Line=Clip(Out:Line)&'<13,10>' If WritePrinter(HPrint,Out:Line,Len(Clip(Out:Line))+2,BytesWritten)=False !something wrong Message('Write printer fails') Break Else End End!loop Close(Outputfile) ret#=endpageprinter(hprint) ret#=enddocprinter(hprint) ret#=closeprinter(hprint) CLEAR(HPRINT)

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