` ReportWriter and SQL (Vince Crosby ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: ReportWriter and SQL
2004-09-23 -- Vince Crosby
I've asked this question and gotten some answers but never understood the content of those answers. Sometimes, I think that programmers/developers make explanations much more difficult than they have to be. Well, I read (there's really nothing out there on the subject, compiled the answers that I received, experimented over and over again (with no success) and then I looked at what ReportWriter was asking me for. Let me explain it as simply as possible: My dictionary had 4 MySQL tables that the ReportWriter was using (this was a conversion from a TPS file system where the table and field names were the same; only the driver had changed). ReportWriter always asked me to enter the PASSWORD everytime I tried to run one of the reports in the TXR. The prompt box always had the word GLO:CONNSTRING in its title line. I entered the data connect name followed by a comma followed by the user name followed by a comma followed by the password. It worked and the report began to print. But I couldn't figure how to get ReportWriter to recognize this value.After about 100 attempts on the command line, I finally decided to try passing the information to ReportWriter as part of the /Value parameter. Yes, a string: C60PRNTX.exe CAREPS.TXR /VGLO:ConnString="datainfo,root,judybabe" ReportWriter started to run and printed any report, without prompting me for any more information. It worked!!!! So if it worked here, why not in my application. Let's see: RUN('C60PRNTX.exe CAREPS.TXR /VGLO:ConnString="datainfo,root,judybabe"',1) It's working. Wow!!! When some of you told me to place the value in the dictionary, I didn't understand what that meant. But, passing the value as part of the command line is what works. Thanks for pushing me in the right direction.

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