` Using Jim Kane's Print Class with receipt printer (Greg Sayler ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: Using Jim Kane's Print Class with receipt printer
2004-11-18 -- Greg Sayler
For anyone interested in how to use jim Kane's print class to print to a receipt printer here is what I did... RetVal BYTE(0) C1 STRING(100) C2 STRING(100) C1Width BYTE C2Width BYTE WordStart LONG WordEnd LONG Text1 CSTRING(1000) MyPrinterDialog LONG MyPrinterFF LONG PrintDataAddr LONG PrintDataLen LONG EnumPtrcl EnumPrtClType ReceiptQ QUEUE,PRE(ReceiptQ) Line CSTRING(100) END Window WINDOW,AT(,,300,23),CENTER,GRAY STRING('Printing Receipt....'),AT(120,6),USE(?String1),FONT(,,COLOR:Red,,CHARSET:ANSI) TEXT,AT(70,14,160,8),USE(Text1),BOXED,HIDE,FONT('Courier',,,,CHARSET:ANSI) END CODE LOOP IF GEN:ReceiptPrinter = '' OR ~GEN:ReceiptPrinterCols MESSAGE('Receipt Printer Not Setup!') SetupForm CYCLE END BREAK END EnumPtrCl.Init() MyPrinterDialog = 0 MyPrinterFF = 0 OPEN(Window) C1Width = GEN:ReceiptPrinterCols - 12 C2Width = GEN:ReceiptPrinterCols - C1Width ?Text1{Prop:Width} = GEN:ReceiptPrinterCols * 4 + 1 ?Text1{Prop:Text} = GEN:ReceiptMessage DISPLAY ReceiptQ:Line = CENTER('Store Number: ' & GEN:StoreNumber,GEN:ReceiptPrinterCols) DO AddReceiptQ !Add any more lines needed here !This is how I format for Item followed by an amount C1 = RIGHT('Gift Card Number:',C1Width) C2 = RIGHT(GIH:GiftCertNumber,C2Width) ReceiptQ:Line = CLIP(C1) & CLIP(C2) DO AddReceiptQ !Add receipt text from setup file LOOP i# = 1 TO ?Text1{Prop:LineCount} ReceiptQ:Line = ?Text1{Prop:Line,i#} DO AddReceiptQ END !Add blank lines required to force receipt to tear off LOOP GEN:ReceiptPrinterBlankLines TIMES ReceiptQ:Line = ' ' DO AddReceiptQ END LOOP x# = 1 TO RECORDS(ReceiptQ) GET(ReceiptQ, x#) IF ERRORCODE() THEN STOP(ERROR()). PrintDataAddr = ADDRESS(ReceiptQ:Line) PrintDataLen = LEN(CLIP(ReceiptQ:Line)) EnumPTrcl.DirectPrtBlock(MyPrinterDialog,GEN:ReceiptPrinter,PrintDataAddr,PrintDataLen,MyPrinterFF) END!Loop DO ProcedureReturn AddReceiptQ ROUTINE !Need FF if less than printers full col length IF LEN(CLIP(ReceiptQ:Line)) < GEN:ReceiptPrinterCols ReceiptQ:Line = ReceiptQ:Line & '<13,10>' END ADD(ReceiptQ) ProcedureReturn ROUTINE Enumptrcl.Kill() FREE(ReceiptQ) RETURN(RetVal)

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