` IP Driver: Set data path (Ron Jolda ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: IP Driver: Set data path
2008-01-04 -- Ron Jolda
In your Data.dll Create a procedure called something like Set_path Here is the embed code: !if p1 <> '' ! this is the passed first parameter... setpath(clip(p1)) ! message('set path to ' & p1) !end (You can see the messaging commented out because you can actually watch it on the IP Data Server - the messages will pop up. Easy to do if you are doing client and server on same machine.) In your main EXE - use the IPDRV Extended options and Imported Procedure is set_path........ in the MAIN procedure of the EXE, after you have connected to the server and before you open the files. thispath = TDA:pth_name if thispath <> '' ! message('setting path33 ' & thispath) IPx.SetConnectionString(IPDRV::OWNER) IPx.Exec('SET_PATH',thispath,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) ! call the IP driver to change to the path for this user end IF you uncomment the messaging on both ends, you can get messages from both the client and server. In any event, this will set the new working path to "thispath". You are then set to the selected path!

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