` PDF class fix for large font on desktop (Arnor Baldvinsson ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: PDF class fix for large font on desktop
2009-02-20 -- Arnor Baldvinsson
Here is information about how I fixed the PDF target class so that it will not mess up the PDF generation on computers that don't use the default 96dpi screen resolution. This involves adding a single method to the PDFGeneratorClass class in ABPRPDF.INC and ABPRPDF.CLW: Add to class declaration in ABPRPDF.INC (I put it in at the top of the method list, around line 195): AdjustDPIValues PROCEDURE(Long pValue),Long !! AB 2009-02-19 Adjusts DPI values In the classfile, ABPRPDF.clw, I added this: PDFGeneratorClass.AdjustDPIValues PROCEDURE(Long pValue)!!,Long !! AB 2009-02-19 Adjusts DPI values HDcScreen UNSIGNED IDPI Long R Real L Long Code R = 1 HDcScreen = GetDC(0) If HDcScreen <> 0 IDPI = GetDeviceCaps(HDcScreen, 88) L = ReleaseDC(0, HDcScreen) R = IDPI/96 End Return (pValue / R) In PDFGeneratorClass.AddFontDescriptor method, you have code like this: !SET the fonts Width LOOP LOC:I=SELF.FontsNames.FirstChar TO SELF.FontsNames.LastChar LOC:CharToTest=CHR(LOC:I) IF GetTextExtentPoint32(LOC:DC,LOC:CharToTest, 1,LOC:CharSize)<>0 THEN IF LOC:Subclasing THEN IF SELF.FontsNames.CharWidth[LOC:I] THEN SELF.FontsNames.CharWidth[LOC:I] = LOC:CharSize.eW END ELSE SELF.FontsNames.CharWidth[LOC:I] = LOC:CharSize.eW END END END I changed both of the assignments to the CharWidth to: SELF.FontsNames.CharWidth[LOC:I] = SELF.AdjustDPIValues(LOC:CharSize.eW) In PDFGeneratorClass.GetTextWidth method, you have code like this: IF SelectObject(LOC:DC, LOC:HFont) THEN RV = GetTextExtentPoint32(LOC:DC,pText, LEN(pText),LOC:CharSize) LOC:OLDMAPMODE=SetMapMode(LOC:DC,LOC:OLDMAPMODE) DeleteObject(LOC:HFont) RETURN LOC:CharSize.eW + (LOC:CharSize.eW/20) END I changed the RETURN to adjust the value: RETURN SELF.AdjustDPIValues(LOC:CharSize.eW + (LOC:CharSize.eW/20)) This takes care of the font sizing problem in any DPI combination that I threw at it:) Thanks to Lee White for putting me on the right track with the DPI:)

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