` Using MessageHook (Graham Dawson ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: Using MessageHook
2012-03-15 -- Graham Dawson
Best bet would be to use prop:messagehook and 'hook' the message procedure. All your existing message lines stay the same, you just add a single procedure and two code lines, one to hook and one to release the hook. There's not much in the Help about this but you just define a window procedure using the prototype in BUILTINS.CLW and then set the hook to the address of _your_ message window system{prop:messagehook} = address(MyMessage) To reset use system{prop:messagehook} = 0 !*** zero *** MyMessage prototype (STRING,,,,UNSIGNED=0,UNSIGNED=0),UNSIGNED MyMessage parameters (input_text,caption,icon,buttons,default,style) Now you can add a timer to the window and auto-close with post event:closewindow if no user response.

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