` Chaining reports (Alan de Wet ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: Chaining reports
2012-04-22 -- Alan de Wet
Once again the replies are suggesting 3rd party templates (at a cost no doubt) which may not be necessary. Try the following to have the additional reports printed from within the main report: Hilite the main report in the Application Tree, click the Calls button and select all 3 of the reports. If they are to be printed after the main report, in the ThisWindow.AskPreview Procedure of the main report in the embed point 6300 place embedded code to call the reports which are to be printed eg: IF AdditionalReport1 = 'Yes' PrintAdditionalReport1 END IF AdditionalReport2 = 'Yes' PrintAdditionalReport2 END IF AdditionalReport3 = 'Yes' PrintAdditionalReport3 END If they are to be printed before the main report place the same code in the embed point after opening the window of the main report. I do this a lot especially where the main report creates 1 or more queues or other global variables or even new temporary data files which are used in the additional reports to print a summary of the main report. Attached is a sample txt file of the embed code to print additional reports after the main report.

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