` Descending or ascending sort order (Dennis E. Evans) - Icetips Article
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ABC: Descending or ascending sort order
1998-09-04 -- Dennis E. Evans
Newsgroups: comp.lang.clarion >I am trying to get a browse box, in C4 with ABC templates, to be able to >flip order (normal or reverse) with a click of a button. PowerBrowse use to >give you that ability but now it is no longer around. Are there any other >template sets that will allow you to do this. Short of creating the key, >using TPS files, in descending order is the only way I have figured out how >to do this. I would like the user to be able to select the order, ascending >or descending, at rund time while viewing the screen and be able to press a button to switch them. Hi all, do not know about templates but to change the sort order from ascending to descending try this Add the button or a check box In the control event handling embed, control accepted If DescendingFlag SortStr = '+Key:Field' Else SortStr = '-Key:Field' End BrwName.SetOrder(SortStr) Thiswindow.Reset(1) Post(Event:ScrollTop, ?BrowseControlEquate) ! back to the top Add a choice(?TabName) condition if you have more than on tab on the screen. Hope it helps Dennis

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