` Fix to lookup browse not placed correctly (Geoff Bomford) - Icetips Article
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ABC: Fix to lookup browse not placed correctly
1998-10-18 -- Geoff Bomford
Newsgroups: TopSpeed.Products.C4.Bugs >I recently converted a CW2003 app to C4b ABC templates. Everything seems >to be working OK except for 2 noticeable problems. > >The first is that lookup browses for fields that require it always start >the lookup browse at the top of the table and not at the record closest to >the key field being entered (as in all previous versions of Clarion). I have >double checked the code in both versions of the apps and there is no >difference. This is a bug in the template. If you look at the code generated you will see something like...( this is from the school app ) OF ?ENR:ClassNumber ! Start of "Control Event Handling" ! [Priority 6000] IF QuickWindow{Prop:AcceptAll} = False CLA:ClassNumber = ENR:ClassNumber ! Change .Fetch to .TryFetch IF Access:Classes.TryFetch(CLA:KeyClassNumber) !GWB ABWindow Was .Fetch( IF SELF.Run(1,SelectRecord) = RequestCompleted ENR:ClassNumber = CLA:ClassNumber ELSE SELECT(?ENR:ClassNumber) CYCLE END END END ThisWindow.Reset(0) The fetch method clears the record if no match is found, tryFetch does not clear the record and so a match is found in the lookup procedure. The fix needs to be made in the ABWindow.Clw file.

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