` Moving records up or down (Jim Kane) - Icetips Article
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ABC: Moving records up or down
1999-02-10 -- Jim Kane
Newsgroups: TopSpeed.Topic.Design > Throughout the CW environment there are up and down arrow buttons that > change the order of items. I would like to implement that from within a CW > application. Is there a clean way to do this? This is my code from an up button on a file loaded browse on a form: PageNum field was never shown so 'skips' didnt matter. Keys: by_formID \_formid, PageNum - unique by_pageId \-PageID - unique !Variables Required !Save:PgId Long !Save the one field in the primary key !CurPg Short !Save the Field ordering is on in the Choice() record !OtherPg Short !Save the Field ordering is on in the Choice()-1 record If Choice(?browse:2) !if anything is choosen in the box !Get the choosen record in the listbox Brw2.Updatebuffer() !Get the choosen record - dont arm watch Save:Pgid = pg:PageId !Save the pageID of the choosen record CurPg = pg:Pagenum !Save the pageNum of the Choosen Record !Get the previous record RESET(Brw2.View,Queue:Browse:2.ViewPosition) If Brw2.Previous()<>Level:Benign then Select(?Browse:2);cycle. !reRead same record if Brw2.Previous()<>level:benign then Select(?Browse:2);cycle. !no previous record !Change the Previous record to have the same page number as the current record !keys can not be unique OtherPg=PG:PageNum !Save the pageNum for the previous record Pg:PageNum = CurPg !Give this page the others number Logout(2,FBPage) !Start a logout If errorcode() then !On error reget the original record PG:PageId=Save:Pgid Access:FBPage.Tryfetch(Pg:By_pageID) Select(?Browse:2) Cycle !Abort end BreakLogout=False !Flag that no error happened yet !Save the previous record with the new pagenumber If Access:FBPage.TryUpdate()<>Level:Benign then Rollback() !On error rollback and restore the original record PG:PageId=Save:Pgid Access:FBPage.Tryfetch(Pg:By_pageID) Select(?Browse:2) cycle end !Reget the original record and change it. PG:PageId=Save:Pgid IF Access:FBPage.Tryfetch(Pg:By_pageID)<>Level:benign then !on error, rollback Breaklogout=true RollBack() !dont cycle - want to flush the view since something was saved Else PG:PageNum = OtherPG IF Access:FBPage.TryUpdate()<>Level:Benign then !On error RollBack Breaklogout=true Rollback() end End !if no errors keep the changes If not Breaklogout then Commit() End !Flush the View and Reset the browse Flush(Brw2.View) BRW2.ResetFromFile() BRW2.PostNewSelection() !If there were multiple browses on the window then ThisWindow.Reset(1). Select(Brw2.ListControl) end Down buttons a simple variation on the theme. HTH, --- Jim Kane

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