` How Do I Change The *.TPS File Icon To My Own Extra-Groovy Icon? (Carlos Gutierrez) - Icetips Article
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Windows API: How Do I Change The *.TPS File Icon To My Own Extra-Groovy Icon?
2002-12-07 -- Carlos Gutierrez
Newsgroups: comp.lang.clarion James, You are almost there. Copy this text (betwen ---) to the clipboard: ---------- REGEDIT4 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.moo] @="milk_moo" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\milk_moo] @="Milk Delivery Program" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\milk_moo\shell] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\milk_moo\shell\open] @="" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\milk_moo\shell\open\command] @="C:\\OFI\\MOO.EXE %1" ----- Paste it in Notepad. Replace "C:\\OFI\\..." in the last line to the path to your program EXE (using double backslashes). Save that as "MOO.REG" Using Explorer, Double click on this new MOO.REG file, the contents will be entered in your computer's registry. From then on, Windows is going to show the first icon in your exe for *.moo files. To be sure, add your extra-groovy icon to your Clarion project using "Project" - "Edit"- "Application Icon" - "Add file". If the user doubleclick in a .moo file, your application is going to be called, passing the name of the moo file as parameter. You can use COMMAND to read this. If you are going to distribute your app, you'll need to use and installer to load your moo.reg file in the target computer (you can execute "regedit /s moo.reg") or your installer software may have another way to add registry keys. Regards, -- Carlos GutiƩrrez - carlosg@sca.com.mx S.C.A. Micro Templates - http://sca.com.mx/clarion/ Browse Header Sort - Auto Next Tab - XP Controls Enable

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