` Setting incremental locators to show uppercase (Jim Kane) - Icetips Article
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ABC: Setting incremental locators to show uppercase
1999-04-05 -- Jim Kane
Newsgroups: comp.lang.clarion In article <37084c9a.85644494@tsnews.clarion.com>, Steve Greenwood wrote: > Does anyone know how to force an Incremental locator field to type > characters on-screen as Uppercase using C5 ABC template chain? Yup. Modify the base class to achieve this. Future versions of c5 have this done for you: !abbrowse.clw make incremental locator case insens when nocase set: !ABBrowse.clw IncrementalLocatorClass.TakeKey CAse IF SELF.NOCASE THEN !!!JJK MOD SELF.Shadow = SELF.Shadow & CHOOSE(KEYCODE()=SpaceKey,'',UPPER(CHR(Key))) ELSE SELF.Shadow = SELF.Shadow & CHOOSE(KEYCODE()=SpaceKey,'',CHR(Key)) END Then if the key is upper, the locator is upper. --- Jim Kane

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